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Zonin Minutes 9-2-08

                        Holland Zoning Board of Appeals
                                Meeting Minutes

Date:           September 2, 2008

Present:        Sarto Caron, Chairperson
                Don Beal, Scribe
                Ray Korny, Member
                Todd Mayo, Associate
                Ron Seaburg, Secretary

7:00 PM The minutes for August 19, 2008 were read and accepted with changes noted. Sarto mentioned that there would be no meeting on September 16.

7:30 PM Special Permit Request Continuance
                Alexander and Janis Puziak
                264 Mashapaug Road      R08-A-4 Book 16122      Page 385
        Andre Cormier Jr, contractor, presented revised plans for the project that met the Board’s concerns. The garage has been moved forward and a permanent deck will be constructed that will extend from the rear southwest corner to the southern corner of the house. Voting in favor of the project were Sarto Caron, Don Beal, Ray Korny, Ron Seaburg, and Todd Mayo.

8:35PM  Special Permit Request
                Margaret Mapplebeck
                25 Lake Drive

        Ms. Mapplebeck wants to add a 28’ x 33’ room onto her house. The addition will include one bedroom, one bath, one office/library, one yoga/exercise room with a garage under the addition. Ms. Mapplebeck will have to combine two lots she owns, numbered 25 and 26 for this addition. The board has requested a site survey and has scheduled a continuance for October 7 at 7:30PM.

9:10PM  Special Permit Request
                Arvid Klimas
                180 Brimfield Road
                14-C-08 Book 11094      Page 589
                Mr. Klimas wants to construct a two car garage.

                A site visit was scheduled for September 12 at 8AM.
                A continuance was scheduled for October 7 at 8PM.

9:30 PM The meeting was adjourned.

CC:             Building Inspector, Town Clerk, Executive Secretary, HCC, and ZBA File.

                Submitted by:

                Ronald Seaburg, Secretary